Welcome to Sugar-Free
Lifestyle Coaching
Your 7 Day Change Your Plate Challenge!

Action Tip #1: "Re-Design Your Plate". The first thing we will do is put together an easy to follow food plan. You will learn how to "crowd out" sabotage foods with blood sugar friendly alternatives.

Today we will continue learning how to "re-design your plate" with delicious foods your taste buds & body will love.

Tip #4: Learn How to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Cravings creeping in? Today we will explore ways to get past them without Sugar Laden treats

Almost there! Stick with the plan....You can do this. Today, I will share how to conquer night-time, emotional, & stress eating.

Almost there! Stick with the plan....You can do this. Today, I will share how to conquer night-time, emotional, & stress eating.

You Did It!! CONGRATULATIONS! Today, breathe, keep it simple, and enjoy your accomplishments.

Action Tip #2: Become a Sugar Detective.. Today we are going to explore how to stay hydrated, satisfied and energized without all that added sugar.

Action Tip #3: Ditch Grain Based Flour Who says you can't have pancakes? Today you will learn about substitutes for grain-based flour products & how to enjoy life without foods that spike blood sugars.

You Did It!! CONGRATULATIONS! Today, breathe, keep it simple, and enjoy your accomplishments.

Thank you for sticking with it, I have a few gifts that I hope you will enjoy, including a virtual Spa Day, as you continue to experience better blood sugars & vibrant health.