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Frequently Asked Questions

 What is a Virtual Coaching Club?

The Blood Sugar Central Coaching Club is a coaching environment designed to grow with you as you move through your health journey at your own pace.  Like any "brick and mortar" fitness center or coaching facility, it has many different areas where you can access classes workshops, ebooks, videos, forums and other coaching materials. Our next Sugar Free Lifestyle Quick Start starts on April 17th. 


My philosophy is that managing blood sugars is not a one time thing. It requires a commitment to making lifestyle changes that will last a lifetime. So I built the coaching club with lots of opportunity for browsing, getting  information, and getting to know us.


Learn more about us in our Sugar Free Lifestyle Coaching Community, the Secrets to Blood Sugar Success Video or our popular 3 eBook Bundle.

Who Can Benefit from the BSC Coaching Club?

Blood Sugar Central Coaching is perfect for:

  • Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetics & Pre-diabetics (or individuals diagnosed with insulin resistance)

  • Type 1 Diabetics who want coaching to assist them with staying on track, dealing with cravings, managing weight, and implementing a low sugar lifestyle. NOTE: We do not provide the type of services that CDE's provide to newly diagnosed Type 1 Diabetics who need special instructions relating to using insulin, carbohydrate counting, managing highs/lows, use of pumps etc. 

  • Anyone struggling with cravings for sugar & carbs looking to cut added sugar, limit natural sugar and cut back on "hidden" sugar (i.e. foods like grain-based flour products, rice, potatoes that cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels/insulin when consumed)

  • Type 1 & 2 Diabetics feeling burned out or depressed from managing diabetes

  • Anyone experiencing insulin resistance related weight gain who wants to heal their body & experience vibrant health

  • Anyone that wants to get started living a sugar free lifestyle or who has gone off-track and would like support to "re-set"

What is the Sugar Free Lifestyle  Quick Start?

Whether you are 1) new to all of this or 2) here because you have been struggling or 3) find yourself going off-track, The Coaching Club's Sugar Free Lifestyle Quick Start is a guided 7 day coaching program designed to show you how to "reset" or get started with a brand new food plan and sugar free lifestyle. 

  • Community: Information becomes power when it is coupled with guidance, support & accountability. The Quick Start provides all three, including Weekly Q&A sessions and our Sugar Free Lifestyle community providing a combination of peer and coaching support plus accountability.  You also have the ability to communicate with your coaches via text and e-mail --- you are never alone in your journey. 

  • Knowledge: A core mission of the Quick Start is to give you all the information you need to put a solid sugar free foundation in place. This includes a wealth of information about sugar  (what it is, where to find it, how it affects your body, ways to cut it out of your lifestyle) along with Workbooks to help you gain Clarity about  yourself & your vision, Food Guides, Recipes and other coaching tools.


  • Action: Community and Knowledge are the fuel that get you started, but consistent action is what gets you results. The 7 Day Sugar Free Lifestyle Quick Start  provides a step-by-step action plan so that you can go beyond reading or watching to doing.  It includes tools to create your vision of health, cut sugar, develop a personalized food  and to learn how to eat in harmony with how your body works.  ​

What is an Action Pack + Coaching?

Completing any of our classes is an amazing  accomplishment.  BUT, There will be challenging times ahead, and the need for self-care does not end.  If you go back to old habits --- insulin resistance, roller-coaster blood sugars and yo-yo weight gain return.

If you want to end the cycle of starting out strong, going off track, and starting all over again, the Action Packs + Coaching is your answer. Each Action Pack is designed to help you move confidently into the future, get your life back and  achieve lasting results.

  • Community: “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much”... Helen Keller. 
    Action Packs provide Community Support & Weekly Coaching Circles. The goal is to empower you to  navigate difficult days, show you how to handle set-backs and get back on track quickly. The BSC community is your "cheerleader" as you take care of yourself today and into tomorrow, even when life gets in the way.


  • Knowledge: A well known children's riddle asks: How Do You Eat an Elephant? Answer: "One Bite At a Time". Because there is so much to learn about living a sugar free lifestyle, changing habits and conquering chronic health issues, each Action Pack provides information in small, manageable "bites". Every Month you will gain access to a New Action Pack focusing on a topic that enhances your knowledge and deepens your life skills. The information is provided in various formats for different learning styles and presented in ways to keep you moving forward without overwhelm. 

  • Action: "It does not matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop"...Confucious. We have all experienced times when we grow tired of the effort it takes to take care of ourselves. And sometimes the best thing to do is take a break. That is why the Action Packs are designed to let you work at your own pace and provide ongoing Action Plans, Workshops and Special Events that are available anytime you need encouragement and a little nudge to get moving. Action Packs are your "secret weapon" that are always there so that you can keep taking action and Free yourself from emotional eating, clutter and habits that are sabotaging your success.​

How Does the Coaching Club Work?

  • Lifetime Access to The Toolkit: You have lifetime on-line access to all Toolkit materials, including eBooks, videos, PDF files, and you can also download PDF materials anytime.

  • 24/7 Access to all Action Pack Materials and coaching for the life of your subscription: You will have 24/7 access to your Action Pack(s) and associated coaching for the life of your subscription. If you opt to stop payments, your access will end. You can, however download PDF files anytime for permanent access to them in your personal workspace. Access includes all Action Pack materials (eBooks, Videos, PDF materials as well as access to all workshops and coaching)

  • No additional costs: There are no upsells or additional costs to access anything in your Toolkit or Action Pack(s)

  • No Contract: Coaching Club membership is month-to-month. There is no contract. You can cancel your subscription to your Action Packs at any time.  BSC provides a 30 Day Guarantee with enrollment. 

  • Reduced Cost for Toolkit + Action Pack: You can purchase both the Toolkit and Action Pack at a reduced cost. (The toolkit is provided FREE with a reduced monthly fee for the Action Pack(s)

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