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Are you exhausted from constant dieting?

If you are ready to get off of the dieting merry-go-round for good, I want to officially welcome you to Blood Sugar Central ---- the first virtual coaching center offering comprehensive, affordable blood sugar coaching anytime, anywhere for less than $1 a day.

Inside you will find classes, workshops, forums, ebooks, & videos that will show you:

  • What to Eat to Manage Weight & Blood Sugars (yes, you can still have chocolate!)

  • Where to Find Diabetes Friendly Products

  • How to Conquer Cravings and emotional/stress eating

  • Easy Recipes

  • Exercise & Fitness Tips


Its all here and more....


What difference would it make in your life if you knew with certainty that you do not have to keep losing and gaining weight over and over again--- That you do not have to live a life of struggle and upset.

My MISSION is to empower you to end your struggles with high blood sugars, food, & weight. (Without Dieting, and in a way that will have you feeling better than you have in years...)

End the Struggle

Forget diets that only work for the short term and "white knuckling it" until you break. Diets don't address the roadblocks that sabotage you.  Attempting to manage weight without clearing away ALL the Roadblocks that get in your way is like trying to swim the English Channel with one hand tied behind your back -Exhausting & ultimately futile.


Blood Sugar Central Coaching will empower you to get rid of every roadblock that keeps you trapped in a vicious cycle of roller coaster blood sugars, weight gain and frustration.

Affordable Coaching from a Coach Who has Been There

As a Certified Health Coach & type 2 diabetic, I have been where you are now.

I have tried every diet out there. I have lost the same 25 lbs over and over again. Finally, after being diagnosed with diabetes, I realized that insanity is doing the same thing over & over again and expecting different results. So, I stopped "dieting" and tried a different approach that got my blood sugars under control. And to my surprise, without trying, the weight fell off, and stayed off.

Get Support When You Need It


 With 2/47 access to our easy to follow Step-By-Step roadmap, you will have all the guidance you need to conquer high blood sugars. As part of our coaching community we will help you to get started, stay on track, and get results. With classes, workshops, group forums and more, you are always connected and supported in reaching your goals.

  • Medical support is critical, but doctors can only meet with you for 15 minutes a few times a year.

  • Education programs and dietary plans are helpful in the short term but aren’t built for long term success.

  • Facebook and similar groups are fabulous (but sometimes are not totally impartial or missing coaching expertise). 

At Blood sugar Central we absolutely want you to continue working with your health care team, (it is critical that you do) and to continue to enjoy any other support that is important to you ---While also benefiting from BSC coaching and support...Our goal is to help you to stay on track and reach your goals. It's like going to the gym, but for blood sugar health, AND, you don't have to leave home to join us!!

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Maintaining balanced blood sugars or weight is not a one time thing. That is why our coaching community provides everything you need for long term success.

Below is everything you will gain immediate access to when you become part of the BSC coaching community:

Ongoing Mobile Ready, On-line Coaching Programs


  • Access to the BSC membership site includes 24/7 access to all of our coaching programs, including my signature "Level 1" program Better Blood Sugars in 21 Days  (no matter where you are with blood sugar issues, this is the starting point that will be the foundation for reaching your goals)

  • You have access to all programs, workshops, ebooks, videos, e-books, forums for the life of your membership, and you can access any (archives or new programs) anytime with no extra cost.

  • You can select and view any combination of items to create a program that fits your particular needs. (Example, if you are Newly Diagnosed, you can select items that will provide all the guidance you need to learn more about diabetes, get your blood sugars under control and stay on track) 

  • What is different about BSC is that when your needs or situation changes, you can access new coaching items -- whatever you need, at NO EXTRA cost!! So your membership grows with you.

Better Blood Sugars in 21 Days,  includes 3 mobile ready coaching modules jam packed with practical coaching and action steps. (Although I have designed this program to be completed in 21 days, all the materials are yours to keep, and it is fine to go through the course at your own pace.)


Trade in "Added Sugar" for Delicious Foods Your Tastebuds & Body Will Love

The fastest and most effective way to win your battle with sugar is to start by kicking added sugar to the curb. The first things I am going to teach you are:

How to find and eliminate added sugars that are ruining your health. You will learn the secrets to stopping the vicious cycle of high blood sugars, cravings, and constant hunger caused by an onslaught of daily added sugar. Get ready to feel grounded and in control of sugar - instead of it controlling you.

How to lose weight without dieting.  You will stop putting on unwanted pounds, and end the worrying, counting, weighing, and measuring that comes with the "diet" lifestyle. You will be able to stay on-track to get results and love the way you look and feel.

How to create meal plans, snack without guilt & crush cravings with delicious foods that taste great without added sugar.  I will show you how to use alternative sweeteners to create amazing dishes that won't send your blood sugars soaring. As added sugar's hook on you begins to fade, you will experience a new sense of well-being  where you will stop obsessing about food and focus on the things that matter to you most. 

How to get your energy back. If you are sick and tired of being tired all the time, help is here. Blood sugars under control means less insulin resistance and more energy to do the things you love. Without all those highs and lows you will feel focused, alert and experience the best health of your life.


Eliminate "Hidden Sugars" & Experience How Awesome It Feels Without Them

Hidden sugar is more devious than table sugar (and other added sugars) and its effects are just as devastating. It is everywhere causing cravings, wreaking havoc with your blood sugar levels and increasing your waistline. That is why I am going to show you:

How to Reduce Hidden Sugars without feeling deprived or constantly hungry. When you stop eating hidden sugars, you will get through the day without mindless eating, avoid the 3:00 candy machine run. Substituting foods that don't cause sugar spikes will help you stay energized and focused all day long. 

How to make meals, snacks and desserts that make your tastebuds really happy.  I am going to teach you how to satisfy your natural desire for sweet taste with feel good foods that you will really like. When your food is delicious it is easy to stick with it. Without the hidden sugar, you can eat without guilt and anxiety while enjoying foods that don't don't fuel sugar cravings.

How to blast belly fat and improve your health with every inch you lose. Without all the incoming sugar, the pounds and inches will peel away. It's your turn to feel confident about your body and know that you are getting more fit and healthier each day.


Limit Natural Sugars for the Best Health of Your Life

Contrary to much popular opinion, natural sugars are not always your friend.


I am going to share the facts about fruit and other natural sugars so that you can take stop sabotaging your efforts and cut back on natural sugars that add to insulin resistance and other health problems. You will discover:

How to enjoy fruit and other natural sugars in a way that promotes stable blood sugars. When you stop overdoing natural sugars, stubborn pounds and inches will disappear, cravings will diminish and you will feel ecstatic that you never have to "diet" again.

How natural sugars affect your overall health, and how to cut back to feel more secure about your future. You can fight insulin resistance, improve your triglyceride levels and improve cardiac health all by reducing one natural sugar. 

Live Group Coaching, Workshops and Q&A Sessions

Every week you can attend live group webcasts for all our coaching modules  to get additional guidance and motivation.If you have questions, need technical support or any problems at all, we are here for you. Additionally every month we will host special workshops on a variety of topics to enhance your coaching experience. 

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On-Line Forums for Support

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 Getting support both from your coach and your team is a critical part of your success. That is why the BSC coaching community provides a number of different ways to ask questions or leave comments, including built in Comments Forum at the end of every coaching lesson and activity session that I monitor and respond to every day.


There is also a private members area & Facebook Page where you can meet other participants, ask questions or share ideas and get feedback and support. You are never alone during the challenge with group and coaching support all along the way.

E-Book/Video Library, Recipes & Resource Guides

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This includes the e-book "Beat the Blood Sugar Blues" which is the foundation for all of my courses.  This e-book tell you everything you need to know to live a low sugar lifestyle AND keep your weight and blood sugars under control. You will also have exclusive access to new e-books, videos, our annual Resource Guide and recipes for every need and occasion.

Kitchen Pantry Makeover &  Product Updates

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The old saying “the kitchen is the heart of the home” has special meaning when you are trying to deal with diabetes, pre-diabetes or losing weight. A well-stocked pantry takes the stress out of meal planning and prep because it ensures that you have everything you need to put together meals and snacks that support your health.

The BSC Kitchen Pantry Makeover™ will provide you with guidelines for creating a kitchen that is a place where you can go to feel restored and experience vibrant health. With our Product Updates you will also learn about foods and ingredients that you can use as healthy alternatives.

Stress Management, Exercise  &  Fitness Tips

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Unfortunately, in today’s world we often do not get enough physical exercise and on top of that we experience “Chronic Stress” from all directions. Managing stress and incorporating exercise into your daily routine provides a number of benefits, including controlling dangerous hormones that effect blood sugar levels, clearing the blood of glucose, increasing insulin sensitivity, and improving heart and cardiovascular health. That is why BSC provides all sorts of tips, daily success habits, and workshops to help you become more active and banish chronic stress so that you can feel more relaxed and manage both weight and blood sugars.

7 Day Body Re-Set Program


Whether you are new to all this or in a "slump", sometimes you just need a fresh start. That's what the 7 day Blood Sugar RESET is all aboutSome of our members start their coaching program with the reset, others use it as a quick way to get back on track, whenever they need it. No matter where you are today, the 7 day re-set is a an important tool that will set you up for success so that you can crush cravings & eliminate blood sugar swings for the long term. Use it once or as a refresher whenever life gets in the way.

Here's What Some of my Happy Clients Had to Say:

When I met Janet, I was struggling with my weight and told her that I was in this for the “long haul”.


I didn’t want a quick fix, and this time I was looking for a program that could turn my health around for the rest of my life.


What I love about Janet’s program is that it is very practical, and has given me the tools I need to make better decisions about what I eat everyday


I work long hours as a nurse, and I have learned how to change my habits so that I have more energy without reaching for the foods that were sabotaging my health.


Janet is a great coach, and I am so glad to have found her program!



Janet's  coaching program turned my life around. I finally found a sensible eating program that has subdued my lifelong sugar cravings.


Learning about food nutrition, especially how simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on the body was most valuable to me.


I highly recommend this program."



Participating in Janet's coaching program has been a Godsend. The modules are informative and practical.


My blood sugars are now under control, and with guidance on how to make better food choices I don't miss the foods that I use to eat.


The coaching and support I received from Janet has made all the difference.



 You're Probably Wondering
How Much is This Going to Cost?


I have personally spent years researching and developing a proprietary coaching system that is the foundation of the Better Blood Sugars Made Easy coaching program and the other tools found in our coaching center.


It is one of the only programs out there that is totally based upon transformational coaching principles that remove your barriers to success as part of the coaching process. As long as you follow along with the coaching and action steps, you are going to experience results.  


Being part of a coaching center like this one, with all materials, videos, and on-going group support could easily cost $75 a month or more….


and you would still receive a fantastic low cost investment in your health.

 But, don't worry, you won't pay that...

You see, diabetes, pre-diabetes, obesity and related chronic diseases are on the rise all around the world, and my goal is to provide Convenient, Affordable & Sustainable coaching solutions to as many people who need it.


I created the Blood Sugar Central coaching center for the millions of people who are struggling to control their blood sugars and unsure of the next steps to take.


And, this year I am on a mission to change more lives than ever before.  It's my way of giving back.

Some coaches are calling me crazy, BUT, you can get INSTANT ACCESS to the entire "Better Blood Sugars Made Easy" program  for a "getting started" investment of ONLY $25. Try the center for 30 days and if you like it, stay for just $10 per month!


Your membership includes instant access to EVERYTHING in the BSC Coaching center.  The Better Blood Sugar Made Easy Program, workshops, e-books, videos, recipes, group forum and support. Everything you need, everyday to keep blood sugars under control and stay on track when life gets in the way.


NO UPSELLS, NO GOTCHAS!! Stay as long as you like to continue getting support, leave when you are ready, and come back anytime.  There is NO Contract. No Strings Attached.

 Are you ready to get on the path to better health?

Click the button below, to get immediate access to the

Blood Sugar Central Coaching Center

 I know your health is important and that is why I am backing up the coaching membership with my drop dead, easy, unconditional, 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

The first month of your membership is offered with a full money back guarantee. If for any reason, you feel the Better Blood Sugars Made Easy program and other membership benefits do not help you get control of your blood sugars, I will send you back your $25 for your first month, no questions asked.

AND, you can cancel after your first month, ANYTIME. There are no contracts, you are in complete control of your participation in the Blood Sugar Central coaching community.

CLICK the "Get Started" Button below to get instant access for $25!
After your 30 day trial, enjoy all of your membership benefits for just $10 a month. 

Looking Forward to Seeing You on the Inside!!



Janet Sanders

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