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I'm Janet, and my mission is to empower you to end your struggle with sugar, confidently live a sugar free lifestyle & conquer chronic health issues getting in your way. 









As a sugar "addict" & Type 2 diabetic, I have been where you are now.  Confused about what to eat, overwhelmed with going it alone, and weary of constantly dieting. I knew there had to be a better way! 


Using my experience both as a Change Management Expert and Health Coach,  I was determined to learn what people who succeed in changing their lives have in common. I identified 4 core traits, that I call "The 4 C's of Change".

  • Clarity about where they are, a vision of where they want to go, and the obstacles they need to overcome

  • Commitment to a specific set of goals

  • Consistent Action towards their goals along with the Information  + Coaching Tools they need to reach them

  • Community of Support providing guidance,  encouragement, and accountability

Finally, it made sense.

After I turned my own health around, I created a coaching system based upon the 4 C's of Change that is designed to be delivered in a safe place where participants can use these principles to clear away the roadblocks that keep them trapped in a vicious cycle of  cravings, roller-coaster blood sugars, and yo-yo weight gain.

If you have ever followed a program only to later find yourself right back where you started, it is likely that one or more of these core elements of change were missing, and as described in the paragraphs below, we have reimagined a way to conquer sugar and roller coaster blood sugar levels.

The BSC Coaching Difference.

Forget diets that only work in the short term OR white knuckling it until you break.....

Attempting to control Diabetes or lose weight without clearing away ALL the Roadblocks that get in your way is like trying to swim  the English Channel with one hand tied behind your back.


Exhausting and ultimately futile.

 Diets don’t address the roadblocks that sabotage you, and failing to eliminate these roadblocks leaves you feeling frustrated and unable to stick to a plan...









 BSC Coaching Club Toolkit and Action Pack topics that teach you how to eliminate the roadblocks that keep you trapped in a vicious cycle of high blood sugars, weight gain and frustration, include:

Break Free from Sugar & Adapt to a Sugar Free Lifestyle









You will learn HOW to:

  • Change your relationship with sugar by working through the Change Process. (Letting Go of the Past, Adapting to a Sugar Free Lifestyle, and Embarking on a New Beginning) 

  • Identify and eliminate added sugar

  • Identify Sources of "Hidden" Sugar

  • Cut back on natural sugars

  • Make substitutions for ingredients and foods with added and "hidden" sugar

  • Create a personalized Vision for  your health & life goals

  • Set Goals & Create a Sugar Free Lifestyle Action Plan

  • Track your daily food & activities 

  • Monitor & adjust your action plan

LIVE in Harmony with HOW Your Body Works









You will learn HOW to:

  • Create a personalized Food Plan that enables you to eat for YOUR needs and biochemistry

  • Crowd out foods that spike blood sugars & insulin while adding in foods such as non-starchy vegetables, healthy protein, and healthy fats

  • Adapt your food plan to any lifestyle (Carnivore, Pescatarian, Vegetarian, Vegan, etc.)

  • Reverse Diabetes or Pre-diabetes

  • Eliminate Insulin Resistance & Roller Coaster Blood Sugars

  • Stop dieting & end yo-yo weight gain

  • Shop & makeover  your kitchen pantry

  • Prepare meals your body & taste buds will love

FREE Yourself from Old Habits
& Enjoy Life









You will learn how to:

  •  Identify the roadblocks & behaviors sabotaging your efforts

  • Change habits holding you back

  • Conquer cravings

  • Free yourself from emotional & stress eating

  • Stop night eating

  • Get restful sleep

  • De-Clutter to create an environment that supports vibrant health

  • Use the STOP technique when you are faced with impulse eating

  •  Stay on track when eating out or attending events with tempting food

  • Manage stress & Adjust when life gets in the way

  • Enjoy Life!

Clearing away the roadblocks changes everything!

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